Description of Benefits | Provided both lives assured survive: SB paid at 20% of SA at the end of 5th, 10th & 15th year and 40% of SA at maturity for term 20 years (Table 705) Maturity: 40% + Bonus. ii) 20% of Sum Assured will be paid as Survival Benefit at the end of the 5th & 10th year and 60% of Sum Assured at maturity when term is equal to 15 years. (Table no. 704), iii) 15% of Sum Assured will be paid as Survival Benefit at the end of the 4th & 8th year and 70% of Sum Assured at maturity when term is equal to 12 years. (Table no. 703) Death within the term, full SA + accrued bonus is paid irrespective of SB payment. AB available. Death Benefit: On death of any of the lives during the term of the policy, full Sum Assured plus vested bonuses if any shall be payable as death benefit, Policy contract terminates.